
想像一下面試官問了你:「Tell me about yourself.」而你卻支支吾吾無法流暢的的答出來,是不是尷尬到只想往地裡鑽?大多數人其實心裡都有想法,只是無法將想法轉換成英文表達出來。別再說巨匠美語費用貴了!以下列舉了常見的英文面試經典題,要來幫助你回答到考官心坎裡!
- Tell me about yourself./請你自我介紹
Hello, my name is XXX. I began my career in retail management, but 3 years ago, I took a course to become a front-end software engineer. I’ve always been interested in and skilled at creating something from scratch. My experience helped me organize my thoughts logically, and I’ve been building a career as a front-end software engineer ever since.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?/說說你的優缺點
I believe leadership is my one of my top strengths. During my time as a front-end software team leader, I successfully merged two teams, planned and conducted a training session for the team members, making sure everyone is confident with the new role they were heading into. The new team brought great success in the first month, bringing up the engagement rate for our website by 5%.
My weakness is that I am an idealist. Every time I completed a project, I tended to think that it could have been done better, even though it had already received a lot of compliments. For this reason, I overwork myself quite a lot and feel tired from time to time. I have started to fix this problem by getting assistance from my team members. I have already made good progress and will continue to do so.
- What challenges have you faced? How did you handle them?/遇過什麼樣的挑戰?如何克服?
In my previous job, I once noticed that there was an anomaly in the performance of our website. I quickly realized that it was due to a CTA link misplacement. I came up with two possible solutions: removing the CTA or using a redirection landing page to continue tracking website traffic. After a team discussion, we decided to go with the second option, which resulted in a 15% increase in website traffic in the end.
After this incident, I suggested to my manager that we implement a two-step QA process. Since then, we have never seen any problems like that again.
- Why did you leave your last job?/離開上一份工作的原因?
First of all, my former company’s management believes that the success of operations is based on effectiveness, which I absolutely agree with. However, from a cultural perspective, to maintain a certain level of effectiveness, I think we should also consider employees’ happiness. So, I made a difficult decision to leave the company to look for this kind of environment. From reading your company’s website, I feel that staff well-being is also something you care about very much. That’s why I was eager to meet with you.
- What are your career goals? Where do you see yourself in 1/3/5 years?/未來的職涯目標如何?
The career plan that I set for the coming year, as a front-end engineer, is to continue to follow the trend of the technology era and to develop innovative, efficient ways to solve problems. I also want to integrate into your company’s culture with my positive, active, and beginner’s mindset.
In addition, no matter where I end up, I plan to understand the core of being in a team and become a good partner who is willing to listen and communicate.
Finally, I plan to pick up a job-related skill every quarter this year to accumulate experience, in the hope of becoming a great supervisor in the future.

精華重點呈現 | 善用數據說話 | 主動積極的心 |
過於華麗的描述和字詞不但讓人難以理解,也很難快速知道你要闡述的重點,因此清楚呈現你的優勢是巨匠美語費用非常強調的。 | 空口無憑,面試不是靠三寸不爛之舌,而是有具體的數據可以佐證,比如在某個專案中為公司帶來幾%的營收成長。 | 除了展現自己專業外,巨匠美語也提到讓考官感受到你主動積極的態度也非常關鍵,比起非常專業但沒有熱情的人,絕對是更想錄用對公司有熱情的人。 |
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